Monday, February 16, 2015

25 facts about me

Hey, guys!
I thought it is time to get to know me a little bit better, so I thought of 25 facts to describe myself. I hope you enjoy reading this!

1. I love cakes and cupcakes and all kind of sweet things. 

2. I have three siblings, two older brothers and one younger sister.

3. I have three cats at my parent's home. They are called Minki, Blacky and Amy.

4. In September my little nephew Alexander was born. So I am an aunt now!

5. I danced at the Vienna Opera Ball last Tuesday!!! It was great! :)

6. I love tea, especially black and herbal tea.

7. I don't really like coffee but sometimes I have a cup of it.

8. I have had bright red hair for about a year when I was 15 or 16 years old. Sometimes I miss my red hair :(

9. I am using a glass bottle instead of a plastic bottle. Check out my bottle here if you are interested.

10. I love fluffy socks and I love them even more if they have cats or other cute figures on them :D

11. I have always wanted to travel through India but so far I didn't have the chance to ... 

12. I like summers more than winters.

13. But I wouldn't want to live in a country where it doesn't snow. 

14. I have been taking Standard and Latin dancing classes for five years and I still enjoy it :)

15. I can't stand house, techno or electro music. 

16. I like listening to punk rock, alternative rock, acoustic rock and sometimes even heavy metal. 

17. Some of my favourite bands/musicians are: Blink 182, Anti-Flag, Second Hand Serenade, Three Days Grace and Skillet. 

18. My favourite dish is lasagna. 

19. When I see a spider in my room I let it stay alive so that I won't have to touch it... or I scream for my dad. 

20. My passion is dancing. I'm also doing pole dance and acrobatics/acro-dance.

21. Since I have discovered booktube last summer I am even more into reading (and buying) books.

22. I am probably going on an Interrail journey through Europe with some friends in the summer. So excited!!!

23. I grew up in a one-horse town called Oberaich, in Styria.

24. I am collecting dolphin statues. I buy one every time I am on holiday abroad.

25. I want to write a book some day.


Larissi ♥

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