Monday, February 16, 2015

25 facts about me

Hey, guys!
I thought it is time to get to know me a little bit better, so I thought of 25 facts to describe myself. I hope you enjoy reading this!

1. I love cakes and cupcakes and all kind of sweet things. 

2. I have three siblings, two older brothers and one younger sister.

3. I have three cats at my parent's home. They are called Minki, Blacky and Amy.

4. In September my little nephew Alexander was born. So I am an aunt now!

5. I danced at the Vienna Opera Ball last Tuesday!!! It was great! :)

6. I love tea, especially black and herbal tea.

7. I don't really like coffee but sometimes I have a cup of it.

8. I have had bright red hair for about a year when I was 15 or 16 years old. Sometimes I miss my red hair :(

9. I am using a glass bottle instead of a plastic bottle. Check out my bottle here if you are interested.

10. I love fluffy socks and I love them even more if they have cats or other cute figures on them :D

11. I have always wanted to travel through India but so far I didn't have the chance to ... 

12. I like summers more than winters.

13. But I wouldn't want to live in a country where it doesn't snow. 

14. I have been taking Standard and Latin dancing classes for five years and I still enjoy it :)

15. I can't stand house, techno or electro music. 

16. I like listening to punk rock, alternative rock, acoustic rock and sometimes even heavy metal. 

17. Some of my favourite bands/musicians are: Blink 182, Anti-Flag, Second Hand Serenade, Three Days Grace and Skillet. 

18. My favourite dish is lasagna. 

19. When I see a spider in my room I let it stay alive so that I won't have to touch it... or I scream for my dad. 

20. My passion is dancing. I'm also doing pole dance and acrobatics/acro-dance.

21. Since I have discovered booktube last summer I am even more into reading (and buying) books.

22. I am probably going on an Interrail journey through Europe with some friends in the summer. So excited!!!

23. I grew up in a one-horse town called Oberaich, in Styria.

24. I am collecting dolphin statues. I buy one every time I am on holiday abroad.

25. I want to write a book some day.


Larissi ♥

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

January Wrap-Up

Hello, everybody!

Today I want to talk about my January Wrap-Up :) Unfortunately, I didn't really read much since I had a lot of exams at the end of the month... Only two books! I am ashamed. Well, I started a third one on January 29, but I finished it in February so I won't count that. 

The first book I read was Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling. This is my favourite Harry Potter book so far! In this book, Sirius Black, a wizard accused of being a supporter of Voldemort and murdering lots of people, escapes the prison Azkaban. Rumours, that he is looking for Harry in order to kill him, are spreading fast. What's more, the Hogwarts Divination teacher always predicts Harry's death.... All that seemed very depressing, but the turn in the end of the book took my breath away!! I still think, that this was one of the most brilliant "story changes" I have ever read. I know many people say that the third part of Harry Potter is the worst, but I can't understand them :P I gave it 4/5 stars on

P.S. If you haven't checked out my goodreads account, now is a good time! ;)

The second book is also a Harry Potter book, namely Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I have only seen one Harry Potter movie and it was this one. So I already knew what this book is about and maybe that's why I didn't like it so much. In fact, it is my least favourite Harry Potter book so far. 
In this book, the Triwizard Tournament takes place at Hogwarts. Strangely, Harry is elected as a fourth champion, even though he is actually too young to compete. He and the three other champions have to face three tasks through which a winner will be selected. But strange things are happening... Harry often feels Voldemort's presence in the scar on his forehead... No, I'm not going to spoil anything here now!
I enjoyed a lot of scenes in this book, so I gave it 3/5 stars although I didn't enjoy the book as a whole.

Have a nice day,

Larissi ♥

Thursday, February 5, 2015

February TBR

Hey, guys!

Today I'm back with my February TBR :D

As it is already February 5, I have even finished two books by now. These are Looking for Alaska by John Green and Damals war es Friedrich by Hans Peter Richter. Actually I wanted to read both of them in January but I didn't manage to do so. However, I started LfA in January at least ;)
I have already told you the content of these books in my January TBR, so I won't repeat myself here.

The book I am currently reading is Ich schreib dir jeden Tag or in English I'll be seeing you by Suzanne Hayes and Loretta Nyhan. This book was a total cover buy. Look how beautiful it is! I think the German cover is just so much more charming than the original cover (on the right side).
So, a little bit about the content:
The book is about two women, Glory and Rita, who are pen friends in the Second World War. Their husbands and also Rita's son are soldiers who have to serve their home country. The book only consists of letters. Letters to and from Glory and Rita but also letters to their husbands/son. Glory and Rita help each other through the rough life of war and attempt to shorten the period of waiting. Waiting for the end of war and for their loved ones to come home.

The next book I'd like to read (but also have to for university) is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. I have wanted to read this book for a few years now, because I gave up on it when I started it in English at the age of 15. I guess I was just too young and my English wasn't good enough to understand the plot. But as I have to read it for an exam in March, I will do so now! Jane Eyre is about an orphan girl who lives with her aunt and cousins who they treat her really cruelly. The book shows her suffering childhood and adolescence as well as her grown-up life later. As a young woman she meets a man, Mr. Rochester and falls in love with him. Mr. Rochester, however, has a secret locked away in his attic.......

The book I am most excited to read this month is.... Blankets by Craig Thompson! This is going to be my first graphic novel ever! :D It just got delivered today (together with All the Light We Cannot See and Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe) and I am soooo looking forward to reading this!! This autobiographical graphic novel follows Craig through his childhood into his early adulthood. His family is Evangelical Christian but Craig struggles with this belief. In a Christian camp he meets his first love Raina. Craig also has a brother, with whom he got along well as a child but they drift apart as they grow older. He has to face a lot of troubles, at home as well as at school, where he gets bullied.

So that is my TBR for February. Let me know what you are going to read this month! Have you read any of the books I mentioned?`:)

Have a great holiday,

Larissi ♥