Thursday, December 4, 2014

Language and Culture Tag!

Hi everyone, welcome back!

Today I´m doing the Language and Culture Tag! 

Okay, I admit it, it is actually a tag for booktubers but... well, I guess can just write it down as well? :D

As you might know I am studying languages and so I thought this tag fits perfectly.

So here we go!

1. What languages do you speak? And what languages would you like to learn to speak?

I currently speak German, English, Italian and French. I have studied Spanish about a year ago but after one semester I didn´t continue because I had the feeling that I did not learn much in this course. But I still have my book and I´m sure I´ll try to learn it again at some point in time :)
I´d like to learn a lot of languages! For example Dutch, Croatian, Arabic, Hindi or Swahili.

2. What books do you own that are written in a different language?

Well, I own loads of books written in German and English and a few written in Italian. I´ll just name my favourites here because the list would get really, really long if I told you them all!

Favourite English books:

Delirium by Lauren Oliver

Superhero by Eli Easton

Where Rainbows End by Cecilia Ahern

Divergent by Veronica Roth (but I hate Allegiant!)

Favourite German books:

I don´t think there exist English versions of these books but I´ll try to translate the title for you

Ich, die Andere by Jana Frey 

en: I suppose you cannot really translate this correctly... it´s something like: `Me, the different´

Wenn du mich brauchst by Jana Frey

en: If you need me

Elfte Woche by Christine Fehér

en: eleventh week

Favourite Italian book:

Tre Metri Sopra Il Cielo by Federico Moccia

en: Three Meters Above The Sky

3. Translate the first sentence of (one of) your favorite book(s) to a different language
For this question I chose the book `Superhero´ and I´m going to translate the sentence into Italian:
`Il mio nome è Jordan Carson e questa storia tratta di Pin Man, il mio super eroe.´

4. Translate the title of the book you're currently reading to a different language
I am currently reading Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken which is an English book so I´ll translate the title into German: `Verblasse niemals´
The real title is `Furchtlose Liebe´ which means `dauntless love´ but hey, everybody knows titles are always translated differently!

5. What is your favorite book that takes place in a different country than you live in?
Nearly all the books I read take place in the United States.

6. Last but not least: try to end the blog in a different language!
That´s fun!

Spero, che vi siate divertiti.

À bientôt :D


Larissi ♥

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